

Photo by Jon Pearl
Photo by Jon Pearl

Jake Miller is a graphic designer specializing in sports branding and logo design based in Indianapolis, Indiana.

An avid sports fan, Jake was drawn to the field through his love of sports jerseys, logos, and social media branding. Growing up in rural Pennsylvania, Jake honed his skills as a graphic designer through teaching himself programs such as paint.net, Inkscape, & Gimp before learning the Adobe suite as a student at Penn State University. While at Penn State, Jake graduated with a BFA in New Media while also earning minors in Photography & Business Studies. During this time, Jake also interned with multiple teams and organizations across the sporting world, stretching from minor league baseball, collegiate athletics, and the national governing body for the sport of track & field.

After college, Jake accepted an offer as a junior graphic designer at USA Track & Field where he currently works full-time today. Jake is avalible for freelance projects

Follow me on social at the links below!

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© 2023 Jake Miller
All logos and trademarks are property of their respective owners.